We carry handmade and customknives from many Iowa builders and around the world. Prices forhandmade hunting knives start at $60 for hard working lifetimetools. We have knives built by reputable builders, several ofwhich are members of the KnifeMakers guild and/or ABS (American BladeSociety). We also carry knives that have been beautifullymodified by artists like Ken Metsala, Jeff Musilek, PaintedPony (Michael Prator), and the Yellowhorse Studios.

Knife sharpening and repair
We use the highest quality sharpening equipment to revive a dull blade.
Our manual sharpening is done using the Wicked Edge system using diamond stones. This is how we sharpen most pocket knives and how we fix our new knives that came from the factory with an off-center grind.
We also have a professional sharpening machine for large volumes at once, like a kitchen knife set.

Special orders
If you are looking for a hard to find factory or handmade knife we can order it for you at very competitive prices. If you need a knife made for special purposes we can assist you in finding one or having it made.
Our Mission:
The staff in our store are long time builders, users and collectors of knives dating back to the early 1970’s. We strive to keep up with current trends in knife making materials and processes but we also refurbish and resell many quality knives made in the past.
Our lines will include many modern brands that are considered “best of breed” within their market niche. Whether you need a knife for hunting or everyday carry, we can help you find a knife that is the proper fit.